The latest expansion phase at Port Canaveral includes construction of a new berth to accommodate 180,000-ton LNG powered cruise ships by Carnival Cruise Lines. Proserve engineered, supplied & supported the installation of fabric formed concrete mattress providing scour protection to the bed.

The new cruise vessel powered by x3 enormous azipod thrusters with 20MW power each and 360-degree rotation enabling the ship to perform on-the-spot manoeuvres without assistance from tugboats. The powerful propulsion combined with minimal hull clearances mean it is critical to protect the important wall superstructure and seabed from propeller scour. A range of mattress types and thicknesses 20cm – 60cm (8” to 24”) were specified to different zones by the Designer to overcome the propeller suction forces from the low clearance and the high berthing power of the cruise vessels.

Fabric formed concrete mattress creates an interlocking concrete slab which distributes hydrodynamic forces effectively enabling it to be much thinner than rock armour or precast solutions. Proserve supplied 12,000m² of bespoke fabric formwork, working in collaboration with Rush Marine & Viking diving, developing a suitable concrete mix & providing onsite training and support for the system.